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PCR test appointment
for eligible individuals

Our Practice


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PCR test application form

Please fill out the form below to book your appointment

Are you currently experiencing one or more of the symptoms below that are new or worsening? Symptoms should not be chronic or related to other known causes or conditions.
Regardless of vaccination status, have you been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case and received notification from any of the following mechanisms:

• A Public Health Unit

• The COVID Alert App

• As part of a confirmed outbreak investigation

Regardless of vaccination status, in the last 10 days, have you been identified as a high-risk contact of a known COVID-19 case ?
Have you received a positive antigen point-of-care test result or a positive self-testing device result and require a diagnostic test to confirm if you have COVID-19?
Are you a member of one of the following targeted testing groups:

Workers (including support workers), visitors (includingcaregivers) and government inspectors of long-term carehomes*

Individuals who identify as Indigenous

Individuals, and one accompanying caregiver, with writtenprior approval for out-of-country medical services from theGeneral Manager, OHIP

Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW), including for the purposeof international travel to return to a country of origin

Residents in homeless shelters

Individuals who are travelling into remote/isolated FirstNation and Indigenous communities for work purpose

For individuals who are NOT fully vaccinated : have you been advised to be tested for one of the following reasons:

1. Admission to hospital from another hospital, long-term carehome, retirement home or other congregate living setting/institution (including group homes and equivalent higher-risksettings, such as homeless shelters, community supportedliving, disability-specific communities/congregate settings,short-term rehab, hospices, other shelters

2. Entering a residential treatment facility (e.g., a mental healthor addiction program)

3. Transfer from, or repatriation to community hospitals and regional tertiary/quaternary centres

4. Transfer from an acute site to a post-acute site (e.g., patienttransferred from hospital to complex continuing care/rehab)within a multi-site organization

5. Your health care provider has recommended that you gettested 24-48 hours prior to a scheduled (non-urgent/emergent) surgery in a hospital or other surgical setting.

Has your health care provider requested that you get tested before treatment or an appointment (i.e., hematopoietic cell therapy, radiation or systemic cancer treatment, etc.)?

If you answered "NO" to all of the questions above, and you have no symptoms related to COVID-19, then you're not eligible for a free PCR test. However, you still can take a Rapid Antigen test with us.


If you answered "YES" to any of the questions above and/or you have any COVID-19 symptoms, you may be eligible for a free PCR test. Click "Submit" button below to make an appointment for your test.

By making an appointment request for a COVID-19 PCR test, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal health information as follows:

- Your personal health information may be collected and used for the purposes of identification, booking an appointment, matching your test sample to you, providing you with your test results, quality assurance, or otherwise as permitted by applicable laws.

-  Your test results may be disclosed to the local public health unit or any other government entity, as permitted or required by applicable laws.

-  We may also use or disclose population-level, aggregate information for various purposes in accordance with applicable laws, including to evaluate our performance, contribute to health system improvement, and/or support research.

COVID-19 PCR Test 

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 you may be eligible for a FREE government-funded PCR test. Please note that PCR tests for symptomatic patients are NOT performed inside the Pharmacy and must be done by our employee at the parking lot. Alternatively, you can get a self-test kit home and then bring it back to us.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19

please fill out the form to book an appointment. Please wait until you receive a notification by e-mail to come for your test! Do not call the Pharmacy!

Are you eligible? 

The following individuals are eligible to receive pharmacy services related to publicly funded COVID-19 testing:

1. Asymptomatic individuals who are part of these targeted groups:

  • Workers (including support workers), visitors (including caregivers) and government inspectors of long-term care homes;

  • Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW), including for the purpose of international travel to return to a country of origin;

  • Individuals who identify as Indigenous;

  • Individuals, and one accompanying caregiver, with written prior approval for out-of-country medical services from the General Manager, OHIP;

  • Individuals who are travelling into remote/isolated First Nation and Indigenous communities for work purposes; and

  • Individuals who have received a positive antigen point-of-care test (POCT)


2. Symptomatic individuals with any symptom listed in the COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms


3. Individuals who have been identified as a high-risk contact of a known COVID-19 case.

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